Pope Francis makes it official. Same sex relationships may now be blessed. Is the Catholic Church next in line for big split? Or is it time for Christian to get over it?
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the Vatican yes that Vatican has now declared that Catholic priests may now bless same-sex couples the internet is all AB Buzz because Francis has laid the smackdown so I found I find you and I talk a lot about lgbtq stuff on this channel uh because in today's world in today's Christian World they are the object of everybody's ey um yeah so so I find uh the Pope's insistence on getting this particular ball across the end zone to be um both admirable and interesting umh so part of what was announced is that even though a a priest May bless a same-sex couple this is not a redefinition of biblical marriage and this is not any sort of statement on what constitutes sin instead the way I'm kind of filtering this from all the different explanations is that this is an acknowledgement that we believe the Bible when it says that we are all sinners mhm and that if that's the case then we are not going to deny the opportunity of one set of Sinners to experience the Holy Spirit when every other set of Sinners gets to gets to experience that relationship yeah you know so we're no longer going to make that distinction is kind of what it seems to me is coming out of the Vatican with this policy change and I think that's pretty much the best way to read this um I otherwise it's just kind of like a weird and mildly confusing thing because it's the they may blast it you know like the Vatican is not saying that they must so in that way it's like allowing for some diversity I guess that's cool then it just it doesn't really do anything else I think it acknowledges something that we all know instinctively is that every church is different and so every Catholic Church is different your community the people that make up the community their needs um how to best serve them everyone is a little bit different and you've got to give your leaders if you really trust them you've got to give them a little bit of space so they can operate and meet those needs without always having to call back to the Mothership and saying is this okay in numerous situations you know priests may deny somebody uh Eucharist I'm not picking up anything from this situation that's saying that they are compelled to give the Eucharist to anybody who's has same sex attraction as in Union or his trans or anything like that it's like a half step you maybe that's as far as he can push you know the the Catholic church at this time and if if that's as far as he can go well you know I can't blame him but it does seem like like a why did you bother thing um but of course you know there are plenty people that are really peeved about this aren't there I've seen thought leaders on every end of the spectrum here so there are people who are majorly mad and then there are people who are very excited and there are people who who understand change is a slow process especially in an organization as imbued in Tradition as the Catholic churches yeah and so something as momentous as this even though it seems incremental it really is momentous and should be I think it should be treated that way the pope regardless of which pope it is is the single most influential Christian on the face of the Earth so so not Franklin Graham then no as influential as Franklin is thankfully his singular voice does not sway an entire generation of Believers the way the pope does you know and so now I've got to believe that just like from Pope's previous this change of policy is really going to mean a change of thinking for all of christiandom you know which is kind of ironic since the SBC and the UMC have such gone through such nasty splits to not change you know now just to see like the rest of the body of Christ kind of go on you know that's kind of interesting and nice yeah and and I'm sure the Catholic Church you know is like I mean they're aware of that the splits have happened and like they've seen them so it's like they're going to be trying to avoid that split I'm I'm not sure how that would work with a Catholic Church honestly exactly they have they they have a very nice setup where uh because they are such a top- down organization that would be very unlikely yeah but there is something I heard recently called the American Catholic Church which is not part of you know the the Vatican not it's not under the uh papacy at all so I guess there are Catholic themed that's not the right word but you know what I mean um you know denominations out there so I guess it's it's a possibility that you could see Catholic churches you know leaving um like the the main fold you know I mean I I feel like the church has had enough of that garbage already yeah I think the Catholic Church would not allow any major split the way these other denominations have the battle that both the the Baptists and the methodists have gone through it's been so incredibly ugly and so incredibly public it really creates a reputation of well Christians can't even agree with themselves what they believe why should any anybody else buy into this I think you're right that the Catholic Church kind of really learned like we do not want to be the old people who just fall into irr irrelevance words just heart irrel and Oblivion as being the old white people who couldn't change so now that you brought up old white people that can't change because one of like the big headlines that I saw about this was you know Franklin Graham finger wagging at the Vatican for this go you know like and and Franklin Graham is is about as charismatic uh charismatic as his father's bowel movements um which is just a real shame I spend a lot of time when it comes to this blessing gay marriage thing I spend a lot of time talking about how the old people just need to get over it yeah they need to change or they just need to die so that the next generation of leaders can rise up there is this beautiful word picture in the Bible that we need to be able to die to self yeah yeah so that we may live in Christ right and that's hopefully the kind of dying that we're willing to do that that we can recognize that we are people who have pride we have arrogance we have egos and we can learn how to dial that down and so we can see the mission of the Cross and we can see the work of the Holy Spirit trying to be made real in this world people instead of dying to self they look at the death of their traditions and the and the ideals that they've always held on to and they see that as a bridge too far as some sort of price they're not willing to pay totally ignoring like the the the first thing that we all learn as Christians that Christ paid the ultimate price on the cross so that we could all have relationship with him and to see Christians put things like tradition as the price they won't pay there are so many words to describe that it's heartbreaking it's infuriating it's the thing that that non-christians look to and kind of go yeah if they don't believe the words of their own book why do I want to get involved in that we can't even agree on how to read the book yeah um you know like when it comes the difference between know Protestants uh and Catholics you know I mean the Catholic church is going to like put tradition is having a higher role in everything than you know we would you know so it's like it it's just it's a big crazy mess and like most of the time like when we're talking about things we're like well like if there's something breaking in the church right like how do we fix it and like this is one of those weird ones because the Catholic church is a is a much different animal um you know so it's like I not being a Catholic wouldn't be to know where to say like oh this is this is like what you can do to fix it I mean other than to say like hey Protestants if if you don't like Catholics then stop complaining about what they do right because you you don't think they're saved anyway so just shut up about it like I can only just speak to like my side of the fence and I'm going to be real annoyed about it because that's just kind of who I am especially in America we can't even agree that the Earth is round that the Earth is a sphere we cannot agree that the Earth rotate the sun comes up in the East and sets in the west and that is only something that's not even real like that's just something that we experience from the fact that we think we're sitting still in this universe it's not even that we don't even trust experts it's that we've lost the ability to even conceptualize that there are people who dedicate their lives to trying to understand better anything science theology music like there are true Scholars out there but we all think that a couple hours on Google and YouTube make our opinions every bit as valid as people who truly pursue truth to the point where they'll take their ideas write them down submit it to their peers for criticism these are the things I believe about the nature of God and the purview of reality when your peers shoot that down they're shooting you down yeah and so like the level of commitment and and courage it takes to do that is really admirable and we should not be so quick to shoot down the people who make this their lives work and who have something authoritative to say when they say the god of the first five books of the Bible may not necessarily be the same exact god of the last five books of the Bible between the governments and the agendas and the time that's taken place these are different concepts and different constructs and we have to approach them all a little bit differently yeah like you like I'm the kind of person like I'm going to like you know argue for you know just continuity you know Old Testament New Testament you know there's that but of course it doesn't change the fact that you know it wasn't God that wrote the penit or the the Torah you know however you want to call it right it was some person that did that and and it's weird to me to think like you have the Genesis chapter one it Paints the picture of what those people believe the the universe looked like and it was a flat earth covered by a dome nobody who is even a little bit literate in mathematics or science believes that to still be true it's interesting to me to say that like well we can apply s ability to that like oh we know better now so like we understand what it was trying to say there but like when it comes to matters of of sexuality or gender like it can get really weird and really um just grungy and just like people fighting each other like maddingly when like somebody like the pope might just could just be looking at the data and being like he look you like I'm looking at the science of it and it's just we we can't interpret what we see the way they interpreted what they saw you know somebody's going to call me a heretic and an unbeliever or whatever because I said that they do that all the time like we get so many comments so many comments so many comments ultimately change happens it does women are now allowed to wear garments of multiple threads men are now allowed to work on the Sabbath whether you like it or not change happens the way we regard the Bible happens and you can say it doesn't happen all you want you're simply wrong and that's not our problem so get over it okay all right let's land it yeah let's land This Plane ultimately um this this is a fight this isn't a fight about truth because truth is in the eye of the beholder and we've already demonstrated that even biblical truth change changes over time and over situations the fix here is to recognize that people they wield their ideas and they wield their words like a weapon and they wield their traditions and the way it was the good old days they wield this all as a weapon and it's time to lay your weapons down is really what it comes down to there's room for the Jews and the Gentiles there are homes for the homeless there is a seat for everyone at the table once again I'm going to say this until people start hearing me it's time for the people that refuse to change to pass the torch to do it generously to do it graciously to admit that they're really just no longer interesting interested words is hard in transformation right they have ceased to transform personally they have ceased to try to transform their communities of the world and they just need to kind of admit to themselves and everybody else that they've run their race and that's great if you've run your race great take a seat at the bench and pass the Baton please all right well we are Church's lame um you may have listened to this episode and thought Man Mark and Scott really have it out for the church but that's not true we love the church we serve the church we want to see it grow and succeed uh we just think that things like infighting among Christians or with even within d words is hard denominations tends to cast the entire body in a bad light and so we just kind of collect these stories here so that when somebody asks the question why is the church irrelevant here's your answer you're welcome we want to hear from you uh leave a comment um if you listen to the podcast give us a rating and a review and if you really want to give it to us in long form shoot us an email our churches podcast gmail.com how with that go in peace serve the Lord amen and if you like this episode and you want to see more content just like this click around me somewhere there's going to be a link to a playlist and we're going to call this I think this will go right into the lgbtq playlist yep all right thanks a lot